Entry #3

I just changed the lettering on this page to bright Yellow. Wow! It’s very bright and I think it’s suitable for this subject of authenticity because to be authentic, a person has to be bright sometimes, as in fluorescent or something very obvious because it’s not going to work to be authentic by hiding one’s message, one’s beauty, or one’s capabilities, for example. Sometimes a person might stick out like a sore thumb, as we used to say when people spoke in idioms, and that’s to be expected.

Anyway, what do I want to say in this bright color? Well, I am saying that I am learning to do everything differently because I am learning to hold myself in high regard (not every moment but more often than in the past) and this means to take my mind when it goes down a wrong dead-end pathway, to stop and turn around gently and say, “It’s okay. Things are working out. There’s no need to be worried about anything here,” and things like that.

Today I got an idea of how to get this project, Back to Our Nature, back on track. It doesn’t involve fundraising, per se, (although fundraising is fine and I welcome it) but it involves using the ideas in this Show, some of which came from the futurist Buckminster Fuller and apply them to create synergy to provide unpredicted solutions to this challenge. It starts with an experiment. More to follow. . . .


Entry #4, 6-20-23


Entry #2 on 6-17-23