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Heres’ why: is a website that is part of Changing Course Productions, Inc. We are creating and producing a TV series for kids about climate change called Back to Our Nature. The pilot episode is nearly completed!

But how does climate change fit in with being authentic? This Series is based on some of the ideas of Buckminster Fuller (the American futurist, designer, inventor, philosopher, architect and author who lived from 1895-1983) who talked about synergy in this way:

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.”

So here is a question: What if WE, individually, are more than we realize? What if WE, as humanity, are part of something greater than we know, just like the butterfly? What if, when we learn to live more authentically as ourselves, working and playing together, we will naturally be doing our part for the Earth to WORK as it was designed to. We’ll be creating synergy which produces unpredicted solutions to problems. Things increasingly cooperate and flow, towards a world that works for everyone.

This TV Series stars Hugo, a teenager who lives in 2054, and Amelia age 16 who lives in 2023. Amelia, concerned about what’s going on in the world, is wanting to be part of a future that works out. Hugo lives in a time when climate change has been essentially solved and the world is cooling. He shares what he knows about what happened, in a fun and entertaining way. He illustrates some of the changes that occurred in a time between his and ours that ultimately made a difference.

For more information about the Back to Our Nature Series, including our Mission Statement, click here.  

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